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About us

Roary Day

AMBASSADOR - Roary Day's path in the world of hospitality and cocktails is as international as it is impressive. While working alongside his studies, Roary laid the foundation for his career during his time at hotel school, then continued his professional journey both in the Netherlands and abroad.

His career has taken him from Amsterdam to world cities such as London, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai, each with their own unique experiences and challenges that he considers personal highlights.

For Roary, the greatest pleasure in working with cocktails is the creative process of making them and the joy of seeing guests enjoying them. Cocktails also symbolize for him a time of togetherness with friends and family, a time to relax and enjoy.

His favorite cocktails range from the spicy Sailor Spice and the inventive Monkey Business to classics such as the Old Fashioned and the Paloma.

Since 2023, Roary has been a valuable member of the Craftails team, where, as Ambassador, he has the opportunity to work closely with various hospitality entrepreneurs. By providing training and contributing ideas on cocktail selection, he strives to provide guests with a unique experience.

Roary believes that his strong social skills and ability to create good working relationships, along with his extensive knowledge of the hospitality industry, are his greatest strengths. For Roary, working at Craftails means no day is ever the same. He enjoys networking events and the chance to leave impressive experiences with business owners and visitors at hospitality trade shows.

He is proud to be part of Craftails and looks forward to the further development and growth of the brand in the Netherlands. Roary is excited about the future of cocktails and Craftails in the Netherlands, especially the opportunities at events, hospitality trade shows and expanding the network.

Outside of work, Roary finds pleasure in paddling, his recently discovered love of ski vacations, and occasionally playing soccer. He also enjoys dining out with friends and enjoying delicious cocktails and wines together, preferring cozy moments in good company.

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