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About us

Kelly Adriaens

AMBASSADOR - Kelly brings a hefty dose of enthusiasm and energy to Craftails, where she feels completely at home in what she affectionately calls "the smiling business." As an ambassador, she is constantly in contact with happy and satisfied people, which energizes her and makes her work especially enjoyable.

Her experience at trade shows has taught her the importance of personal interactions and how crucial it is to convey the unique flavor and creativity of our products. What Kelly especially appreciates is that Craftails is not only about cocktails, but also about the expertise our team provides.

This makes us a true partner in growth for our clients. We are able to work together on their plans and provide advice for the most optimal bars. In this way, we really make a difference and contribute to the success of hospitality businesses.

In addition to her work at Craftails , Kelly also has a passion for photography and an active lifestyle. She loves spending time with her family and strives for a healthy work-life balance.

With her positive attitude and dedication to our brand, Kelly is a valuable asset to our team and contributes to the continued success of Craftails. Her enthusiasm and commitment inspire not only her colleagues, but also our customers, who feel the passion of Craftails in every drink they serve.

Her commitment to delivering quality in everything she does reflects Craftails 's core values and our reputation as a leading provider of beautiful ready-to-serve cocktails and mocktails.

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